Privacy Policy

Agrimly is an integral part of Agrimly India.

Privacy is important to Agrimly and educational institutions, teachers and students that we serve.

Agrimly is committed to following both legal obligations and best practices with regard to the protection, use and storage of private and or proprietary content information. We also support the privacy policies of your educational institution.

Content, Licences & Permissions:

All software, technology, designs, materials, information, communications, text, graphics, links, electronic art, animations, illustrations, artwork, audio clips, video clips, photos, images, reviews, ideas, and other data or copyrightable materials or content, including the selection and arrangements thereof is “Content.” Where the Company provides Content to You in connection with the Products, including, without limitation, the Software and the Products and the Site, it is “Company Content.” Content uploaded, transmitted or posted to the Site or through the Products by Instructor or Institute is “Submitted Content.” Content remains the proprietary property of the person or entity supplying it (or their affiliated and/or third party providers and suppliers) and is protected, without limitation, pursuant to Indian and foreign copyright and other intellectual property laws. You hereby represent and warrant that You have all licenses, rights, consents, and permissions necessary to grant the rights set forth in these Terms to Company with respect to Your Submitted Content and that Company shall not need to obtain any licenses, rights, consents, or permissions from, or make any payments to, any third party for any use or exploitation of Your Submitted Content as authorized in these Terms or have any liability to You or any other party as a result of any use or exploitation of Your Submitted Content as authorized in these Terms.

The Company hereby grants You (as a User/Student) a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use Submitted Content and Company Content, for which You have paid all required fees, solely for Your personal, non-commercial, educational purposes through the Site and the Products, in accordance with these Terms and any conditions or restrictions associated with particular Courses or Products. All other uses are expressly prohibited absent Our express written consent. You may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, license, or otherwise transfer or use any Submitted Content or Company Content unless We give You explicit permission to do so. Submitted Content and Company Content is licensed, and not sold, to You. Instructors may not grant You license rights to Submitted Content You access or acquire through the Services and any such direct license shall be null and void and a violation of these Terms THE COMPANY RESPECTS ALL COPYRIGHT, PRIVACY, DEFAMATION AND OTHER LAWS RELATING TO CONTENT AND INFORMATION AND WILL NOT TOLERATE VIOLATION OF SUCH LAWS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THE COMPANY DOES NOT SCREEN THE SUBMITTED CONTENT AND ALL USE OF THE SUBMITTED CONTENT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR SUCH USE. IN PARTICULAR, NO REVIEW OR POSTING OR APPEARANCE OF THE SUBMITTED CONTENT ON THE SITE OR THROUGH THE PRODUCTS IS INTENDED TO ACT AS AN ENDORSEMENT OR REPRESENTATION THAT ANY SUBMITTED CONTENT IS FREE OF VIOLATION OF ANY COPYRIGHT, PRIVACY OR OTHER LAWS OR WILL SUIT A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR BE ACCURATE OR USEFUL. If You believe that Submitted Content of Yours violates any law or regulation or is inaccurate or poses any risk whatsoever to a third party it is Your responsibility to take such steps You deem necessary to correct the situation. If You believe that Submitted Content of a third party or any Company Content violates any laws or regulations, including, without limitation, any copyright laws, You should report it by emailing us at

All rights not expressly granted in these Terms are retained by the Content owners and these Terms do not grant any implied licenses.

Content Security

The security of your submitted content and Institute information is important to us. Agrimly employs procedural and technological measures to protect your Institute's identifiable information. These measures are reasonably designed to help protect your Institute's identifiable information from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. We may use software, secure socket layer technology (SSL) encryption, password protection, firewalls, internal restrictions and other security measures to help prevent unauthorized access to your Institute's proprietary information.

Agrimly provides following security measures and policies to ensure privacy and protection of institute content data

a. All users have to be first authorized by institutes though student enrollment form which is accessable through Institute's admin account. Only those users who are authorized by institutes are provied access to Agrimly web site, app or products.

b. All submitted content by Institutes are stored in highly secure datacenter and servers.

c. We use secure industry standards like https and SSL to transmit content between Agrimly servers and user devices.

d. Users will be restricted to access content from maximum of two devices by default.

e. Agrimly provides a number of configuration options to allow your local institution to implement its privacy guidelines within our products.

Agrimly privacy policy:

The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the Services. If you are using any of the Services through an educational or other institution that is a customer of Agrimly , this policy does not supersede the terms of any agreements between Agrimly and any other party, nor does it affect the terms of any agreement between any user of the Services and their employer, their educational institution or any third party. Please make sure that you read the terms of any privacy policies that you enter into with parties other than Agrimly , including your employer or educational institution, as those policies may also explain how your personal information is used by those parties.

Please review the following statement to understand how the information you provide to Agrimly through the Services will be treated.

1. Information Agrimly collects.

If you like to utilize Services of Agrimly , you must first register with Agrimly . When you register, we will request certain personal information, including, but not limited to, e-mail, contact information, such as your name. This information better enables us to provide you with content relevant to your interests and provides us with aggregate data that Agrimly uses to improve the Services. We may also ask you for information about your system or how you use Agrimly products and services.

Agrimly gathers information about all users collectively, such as what areas users visit most frequently and what services users access most often. Agrimly automatically logs IP addresses, session sources, and other data which tracks users' access to the Services. We analyze these logs for anlytics, sales and marketing purposes as well as system performance monitoring. These logs are analyzed for the aggregate trends they reveal about our customers and how the customers use the Services, not for the behaviors of individual users.

2. Purposes of Data Collection

Agrimly requests personal information for purposes such as the provision of customer service and support, billing, network management, customer surveys, sales management, support, newsletter subscriptions, user group memberships, event registration and sponsorship, offers of related services, and other exchanges of information.

3. What Agrimly does with the information it collects.

Agrimly makes social forums, news feeds, chat rooms, message boards, and/or news groups available in certain areas of the Services. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.

The personal information you supply to Agrimly will not be given, sold, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed to any third parties outside of Agrimly and its agents, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) comply with legal process, (ii) enforce the Terms of Use, (iii) respond to claims that any content provided by using the Services violates the rights of third parties, or (iv) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Agrimly , its users, or the public.

Agrimly may use aggregated personal information to determine the demographic composition of our user base and to distribute statistics and general marketplace information about Agrimly . This aggregate information does not identify specific users.

Certain non-personal information regarding users is recorded by the standard operation of the Internet servers hosting the Services. This information is primarily used to provide users of the Services with an enhanced online experience. Agrimly may disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe the Services to prospective partners, advertisers, and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes.

Some features of the Services may be offered in conjunction with a partner company. In order to provide these features, it may be necessary for either you or us to share your personal information with this company. If you do not want your information to be shared, you can choose not to allow the transfer by not using that particular feature. Also, please be aware that advertisers or Web sites that are linked to the Services may collect personally identifiable information about you. The information practices of those Web sites linked to the Services are not covered by this Privacy Policy and Agrimly is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

Agrimly utilizes other companies to provide limited services on its behalf, including but not limited to customer support, web analytics, coordination of mailings and event management. These companies are permitted to access only the information they require to perform those services. Agrimly requires these companies to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information and prohibits them from using the information for any other purpose than the purpose for which it was collected

4. User Options -- Opt-Out

Users may opt out of receiving future promotional electronic mailings from Agrimly by following the unsubscribe procedures indicated in the mailing. Individual end users of Agrimly software should contact their educational institution or other organization hosting the software for questions about access to the personal information collected by that institution. Please contact us at the address below if you have other questions about the information you receive from us or the information that we collect from you.

5. Access to Your Information

Agrimly offers users the ability to correct or change the information collected during registration. Users may change this information at any time and as often as necessary by choosing the "edit personal information" option or other similar functionality offered in the Services. To access or change your personal information, log in to your account through the Services. For data not available through such an account, please contact us at the address listed below.

6. Security

All of your personal information is stored on servers at a location designed specifically to ensure that no unauthorized individuals have access to the server or its data.

If you have specific questions or concerns regarding these policies please contact, Director, Agrimly India.